
Showing posts from June, 2024

Comments Mean Reality to Gen Z - Comments Push Joe Biden to Step Down from the Ticket

"Dan - PNW  Just now     Step aside, Joe. You saved democracy once. You can save it again by recognizing that it’s time to retire." - This is t ypical of comments posted in response to The New York Times Deputy Opinion Editor Patrick Healy's op-ed on Joe Biden's disasterous performance in the presidential debate." - The New York Times, June 27, 2024 In its research on how Gen Z retrieves and sorts through information Google's jigsaw found that the process is driven by their crowdsourcing of media/social network comments and then coming to conclusions about current reality. Based on the comments in response to the presidential debate, they must be connecting the dots that this man is not up to winning the election. He should step aside. Other generations probably didn't need to read comments. Obviously, the performance lacked energy, a strong voice and the ability to speak without momentary fade-outs. The content also wasn't up to the job of decimin

The Alleged Fall of Trump Legal Adversary Roberta Kaplan

  " The allegations against [Roberta] Kaplan include claims she 'insulted employees, inappropriately commented on their looks and threatened to derail people’s careers.' There were also reportedly issues at the firm over some Kaplan clients ( ahem, Andrew Cuomo ) and the conflict that posed with the values of the #MeToo movement." - Kathryn Rubino,  AbovetheLaw , June 27, 2024 The initial hype yesterday about Kaplan's decision to exit the firm she helped found - Kaplan Heckler Fink (which will be soon known as "Heckler Fink") focused on her amazing track record in practicing law. That included taking on Donald Trump in court and winning - twice.   Her achievements date back to her days as a partner at Paul, Weiss. Always she had presence. She will launch a new firm, with close friends. Then, The New York Times published, after informing Kaplan's personal lawyers, a negative article about allegations about mistreatment of other lawyers. That is allege

Your Passion for ....

  " Graduates of seven elite law schools had median earnings of more than $200,000 after debt, while recent alumni of 33 low-ranking law schools netted a median of $55,000 or less, researchers found in their study titled,  A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing: Some Law School Graduates Earn Top Dollar, but Many Do Not."  Reuters Legal , June 25, 2024 Overall, the median for compensation, after subtracting debt payments, is $72,000. The median debt nut is $118,500.  But what dazzles enough to motivate the ambitious to jump through all the hoops for everything from excellent grades to passing the bar is what large law firms hire in at. Cravath, Kirkland & Ellis, Paul, Weiss and more pay new law graduates annual salary of $225,000, with a shot at an annual bonus. One year, Paul, Weiss even provided an off-season bonus to the "committed." But, of course, in my career journey and in coaching I have encountered too many law school graduates who could not make a living practi

Gen Z: End of SEO (and much more in marketing and media)?

  "If facty-sounding stuff does manage to sneak into Gen Z's feeds — claims about what ... Trump would do as president ... they're likely to head straight for the comments .  That's partly because they know the digital hoi polloi will quickly unmask any fake news." -  MSN , June 2024 This finding is from recent research conducted by Google's Jigsaw in how Gen Z obtains and absorbs information. It and other takeaways surprised those conducting the study which was done through intensive interivews, not quantitative measuring. So, those seeking to persuade and/or sell to Gen Z should approach comments as key data. That is analogous to employers' paying attention to what is posted on professional anonymous networks such as Blind, Glassdoor, Reddit and Fishbowl. Other discoveries from the Jigsaw research about this generation include: Extraordinary influence of the Influencers A turnaway from any content seeming targeted for clickbait, behind a paywall, laden w

So, This Is What Content-Creation Has Come To ...

  In the Delray, Florida Job section of Craigslist, a help-wanted has just been posted for a ghostwriter for fun books. The expectations is that you, in addition to being an experienced book ghostwriter, have had business articles published in, for example, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, People and more.   The specs, as listed in the help-wanted, are: Start Date: July 1-7 Completion Date: September 15, 2024 Length: Approx 150-175 pages Chapters: Each will be 5-8 pages Deliver: 2 chapters per week Pay: depends on level of experience The compensation starts at $4k. Yes, that is what content-creation has come to. On another version of this ad the posting  it indicates the range is $3k to $5k. No, I am not responding to this opportunity. In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am a coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email janegenova374@gmail.c

Influencers - Your Content May Be Worth a Lot Less

  " Last year, 48% of creator-earners made $15,000 or less , according to NeoReach, an influencer marketing agency. Only 13% [the outliers] made more than $100,000." -  The Wall Street Journal , June 17, 2024  And, in this  YouTube  analysis, the take on being a social media influencer is 1) There is a glut of folks just like you and 2) Because there is, you will be earning less right now than you did two years ago. Of course, there still remains heavyweight talk in public relations, marketing and more "to reach out to influencers." As the number of journalists shrinks it makes sense to pitch to influencers to tell the company's, brand's or individual player's story.  However, given there are too many influencers those doing the reaching out know they can be more picky and tighter with the bucks. The solution, as with all business, is to review all the variables and experiment with changing what is not generating or growing profit.  Things weren't al

Hard Times Come to ContentVille

  " A report from the Imperial College Business School, Harvard Business School, and the German Institute for Economic Research, found the demand for digital freelancers in writing and coding declined by 21% since the launch of  ChatGPT  in November 2022." -  Tech Radar , June 2024 And, that could be just the beginning of the phasing out of myriad "automation-prone" roles. The extent depends on the quality produced by gen AI. If those results aren't up to snuff demand for human content-creators could increase.  Meanwhile, the advice for those who are determined not to walk away from that line of work is to seek out assignments for what is known as "nuanced content." That is, the strategy and the hands-on scripting go beyond routine requirements. For example, create a signature of taking on those complex challenges and delivering what exactly "they" need.  However, don't regret your background. The skills embedded in content creation are u

Aging - And You Find Out You "Still Got It"

 That publication contacted me. No, I didn't pitch to it.  What was needed was an article on a retail trend - pronto. I have a background covering retail. Within 32 hours I delivered.  "Beautiful." That was the response from the publication. Here I am no longer young. I now have it confirmed "I still have it." The happy glow endured for almost a week. In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am a coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email  

No, You Don't Want to Publish That Book ...

   Ghostwriting, after signing bullet-proof NDAs, used to be my business. Sure, there are some professsionals or cause advocates who still come to me with requests to research and put together their book. But they are not in the top-tiers of what they do or in their branding. Most prominent players  know  that a having published a book is, well, not only an ineffective tactic for messaging. If it ranks poorly on Amazon, it can also deliver a ding to a reputation. The way to accomplish all those traditional objectives associated with getting, holding, and growing attention is to get with the newer games. They include becoming an influencer, having a podcast with reach, accomplishing big-bang stuff and/or be a rising star everyone is watching. I recall recommending to Paul, Weiss chair Brad Karp that he publish a book. Smart, he didn't. Currently there is no shorage of earned media that he is receiving.  Even with heavyweight push, books are no longer attention-magnets. Those disappo

When Life (including intimacy) Becomes All-Business

   "How do I tell my boyfriend he's been laid off?" -  Fishbowl Consulting , June 2024  Most the responses to that post on a professional anonymous network are clever in tone and content. That is that they piggyback on the assumption that the business-management model can be leveraged in matters of the heart.  This is not unusual. And it could be one of the drivers of the profound loneliness we are experiencing. The isolation ethos is straight from the Beatles song "Eleanor Rigby."  In what are supposed to be intimate conversations the accepted template is to use the principles, words and tone of commercial transactions. Like Father McKenzie, putting together sermons which don't engage, the supposed romantic partners are in disconnect, as displayed in The Lovers card from the Tarot. As a Tarot reader specializing in careers what clients want to really focus on are broken romantic relationships. Many actually use the buzzwords "lack of communications.&qu

The Wyoming Brand ...

   It is starting in Wyoming. But since Wyoming increasingly is the residence or getaway for the influential and/or wealthy the phenomenon is bound to catch fire. That's the celebration of the cowgirl. The model, of course, is Beth Dutton from "Yellowstone," who is struggling to save the ranch for her father. This trend stands along with the resurrection of the cowboy. Here is the article I published on that  in  ST Magazine. A brand in home decor in Wyoming is capturing those values. Here on Craigslist Jobs Site for Wyoming is a  help-wanted for a copywriter/blog editor  who will apply that cowgirl everything to everything in Wyoming. Part of the application process is to discuss that female lead in "Yellowstone." Yes, you have to know SEO.  Is it remote? Yes, in Wyoming.  Would you move to Wyoming for this opportunity? Might be worth considering. In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator.

That Slide Deck - No Platform for Amateurs

  Death by Powerpoint.  That was the joke in the early 21st century. Some of us experienced in executive communications refused to work with it. Our joke was:  Use an easel and magic marker. That's how you will engage the audience.  Now it is called a "Slide Deck" and is a key component of many jobs in professional services, especially those which are client-facing. Sometimes it can be job in itself. Much of it involves new business development. For startups usually the slide deck is for fundraising.  The core  skills are three-fold : Researching that aligns the pitch to what will achieve the objective with the target market Storytelling Creating visuals that reinforce the story line. Usually a team will invest many hours in putting the slide deck together, requiring lots and lots of modifications. If any member of that team is assessed as lacking in any of the three core skills they can be put on a PIP or terminated outright. Yes, the slide deck is that important. Often

2024 Portfolio for Jane Genova

 You have been requesting my recent portfolio. Thank you for your interest in my services. Here it is: INTRODUCING JANE GENOVA TO TELL YOUR STORY  TITLE : Jane Genova is Chief Outcomes Officer at Genova Communications and Coaching CONTACT INFORMATION: , 203-468-8579, based in U.S. in PT. UNIQUE VALUE: Engagement is the currency of the 21 st century. Jane Genova creates, holds, and scales  the connection for you. Quickly and cost-efficiently. And you achieve your branding and actual selling outcomes. Her tools include listening (Dale Carnegie graduate assistant). research/complex analysis (University of Michigan doctoral studies, Harvard Law School), and out of the box content strategies that are in the box enough not to distract. Successful campaigns range from rebranding American Express to gaining acceptance for RiseSmart’s model of virtual outplacement. SOCIAL: Twitter - LinkedIn - https

"Get a Good Education" - Out-of-Date Language (globally)

  The emerging meme in the UK is the concern about the professional fates of its college graduates. It's documented that  36% of them are overqualified for their jobs or working at low-skills positions.   The latter include: Administrative  Clerical Personal assistant Secretary Bartender Security guard. That affects overall life-satsifaction of those in careers which are a bad match for their education. Post-WW II, as affluence caught on in developed economies, higher education was perceived as a magic tool for upward mobility. Those who made it their business to be admitted to university could transform their destiny from being part of the lower class or even poverty to being middle class or lots better.  Now that perception is being reviewed not just in the UK but also in the US. In addition, China is struggling with a glut of those with higher education credentials who can't land a fit for employment. Meanwhile, their expectations are high for what kinds of positions they sh

The Lament: That Isn't Landing You a Job in This Tough Market

   Looking for employment was always an offbeat process.  That was true even for us boomers who came of professional age in a world of corporate growth. But we were a fortunate generation in that we learned that early since we usually sought out money-making opportunities way back in grade and high school. Sure, "our education" was important and there was profound pressure to keep up our grades. However, our Depression-era parents insisted we knew how to get, keep and move on to better employment possibilites. It was all about The Job. Currently, as  Bloomberg  documents, the process of landing work is just as unpredictable. The added wrinkles, though, are two-fold: A shrinking number of jobs.  For every one role, there are 14% more applicants than even last fall. In some glam fields which have fallen on hard times - think Hollywood and media - there can often be so many applicants that recruiters struggle to sort out. Experimenting with tactics for early rule-outs.  This is