Comments Mean Reality to Gen Z - Comments Push Joe Biden to Step Down from the Ticket

"Dan - PNW Just now  Step aside, Joe. You saved democracy once. You can save it again by recognizing that it’s time to retire." - This is typical of comments posted in response to The New York Times Deputy Opinion Editor Patrick Healy's op-ed on Joe Biden's disasterous performance in the presidential debate." - The New York Times, June 27, 2024

In its research on how Gen Z retrieves and sorts through information Google's jigsaw found that the process is driven by their crowdsourcing of media/social network comments and then coming to conclusions about current reality. Based on the comments in response to the presidential debate, they must be connecting the dots that this man is not up to winning the election. He should step aside.

Other generations probably didn't need to read comments. Obviously, the performance lacked energy, a strong voice and the ability to speak without momentary fade-outs. The content also wasn't up to the job of deciminating what the opponent conjectured. Face it, Biden missed opportunities to unleash verbal guerrilla warfare.

It will probably be a long night among Democratic political leaders. Will Friday's headline be spin about Biden's withdrawing from the ticket?

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am a coach, tarot reader and content-creator.

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