No, You Don't Want to Publish That Book ...

  Ghostwriting, after signing bullet-proof NDAs, used to be my business. Sure, there are some professsionals or cause advocates who still come to me with requests to research and put together their book. But they are not in the top-tiers of what they do or in their branding. Most prominent players know that a having published a book is, well, not only an ineffective tactic for messaging. If it ranks poorly on Amazon, it can also deliver a ding to a reputation.

The way to accomplish all those traditional objectives associated with getting, holding, and growing attention is to get with the newer games. They include becoming an influencer, having a podcast with reach, accomplishing big-bang stuff and/or be a rising star everyone is watching. I recall recommending to Paul, Weiss chair Brad Karp that he publish a book. Smart, he didn't. Currently there is no shorage of earned media that he is receiving. 

Even with heavyweight push, books are no longer attention-magnets. Those disappointments range from Whoppi Goldberg's memoir to Kristi Noem's "No Way Back." Usually public affair guru Bob Dilenschneider's books rot in Amazon hell. His "Nailing It," ranks at 2,562,520, with only 13 customer reviews. Yet, Dilenschneider's signature seems to remain knocking out books. 

It is an understatement to assess the book publishing industry as in decline. Recently, Little Brown laid off 7 major editors. 

There was a time when there were fascinating times hanging out around books. In her youth cancer disfigured her face and that became Lucy Grealy's "Autobiography of a Face." My own novel "The Fat Guy from Greenwich" hovered around 30 on Amazon for a while. For years folks asked me "What was that all about?"

Now, with the exception of certain niches like self-help, books seem like medium which finally will become an anachronism. Technology seems to have rewired our brains in how we take in content. Or, at least how we enjoy doing that. I will still buy a book related to the enterprises I operate and once I get the takeaways put that down only partially read. Quickly I leap back into the new ether created by technologies, especially visual. 

Incidentally, I was an influencer in the legal sector for a number of years. I made more money than I had in the previous several years in traditional communications. 

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am a coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email



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