The Alleged Fall of Trump Legal Adversary Roberta Kaplan

 "The allegations against [Roberta] Kaplan include claims she 'insulted employees, inappropriately commented on their looks and threatened to derail people’s careers.' There were also reportedly issues at the firm over some Kaplan clients (ahem, Andrew Cuomo) and the conflict that posed with the values of the #MeToo movement." - Kathryn Rubino, AbovetheLaw, June 27, 2024

The initial hype yesterday about Kaplan's decision to exit the firm she helped found - Kaplan Heckler Fink (which will be soon known as "Heckler Fink") focused on her amazing track record in practicing law. That included taking on Donald Trump in court and winning - twice.  

Her achievements date back to her days as a partner at Paul, Weiss. Always she had presence. She will launch a new firm, with close friends.

Then, The New York Times published, after informing Kaplan's personal lawyers, a negative article about allegations about mistreatment of other lawyers. That is alleged to have resulted in her removal from the firm's management committee.

This development had been cited on professional anonymous network Fishbowl Big Law. However, the link provided to NYT article is behind a paywall. ATL has done a service summing up the content, including Kaplan's response. Kaplan positions her work as high-stakes, requiring toughness. She indicates that she is proud of how she has been conducting herself as a lawyer, colleague and mentor.

Years ago, I had picked up on rumors about how Kaplan interacted harshly with junior lawyers. But those are not uncommon in the pressure cooker practicing law has become. That ranges from getting the business to dealing with opposing counsel. Since associates in large law firms and high-profile boutiques are paid well, much of the balking is shrugged off as a whine. Like, buddy, you know what you were getting into. 

However, this kind of extraordinary development might warn other supposedly abusive partners that their power and even their jobs might be on-the-line if they cross the line on what they demand and how they demand. Those well-known "sweat shops" may become less sweaty in terms of the overall culture and daily interactions.

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am a coach, tarot reader and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email


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