Don't Kid Yourself: Big Media Still in Control

 The September 3, 2024 poll on the influential O'Dwyer's Public Relations platform found that 64% of those responding perceived Kamala Harris as 1) having a strategy to duck the media and 2) finding it relevant to their voting, in a negative way. It's being sized up as: What is she afraid of? 

Obviously, preppers for the all-important September 10th debate such as Paul, Weiss partner Karen Dunn have to position and package Harris as able to function effectively in real-time, unscripted. After all, being a US President happens in the now and much of what goes in policy happens through daily back-and-forth conversations. Is Harris up to that? Many observers of her CNN interview gave her mediocre to actual failing grades for that performance art. (Yes, all the world is a stage, especially in this visual era.) Here is my review.

If Harris wins, part of that victory will be interpreted as the wonders of US marketing. The nation excels in that. That goes all the way to P&G's inventing brand management in 1931. 

If she loses, some will assess that as the limits of marketing applied to politics. Much has been posited that essentially Harris is a brand manufactured by Democratic party strategists and fundraisers. About the latter, money talks and those voices usually find their way into campaign logistics, including image management.

Lots will be decided during the September 10th debate.

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am an intuitive coach, tarot reader and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email


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