Talk Your Way Out of Your Comfort Zone + Lots More: Cochise Toastmasters Club, Sierra Vista, AZ

 Not since my two new enterprises reached their breakeven points have I been so ephoric.

This evening at Cochise Toastmasters Club, Sierra Vista, Arizona I won the award for Best Table Topics. That involves delivering an impromtu speech for one to two minutes. The subjects tend to be oddball. Mine was about how I feel about making cookies. The theme of the meeting was National Sugar Cookie Day.

Those of you who know about Toastmasters are aware that the non-profit trains public speaking. And it does that at an affordable fee, compared to most commercial programs. For new members that's a mere 20 bucks for enrollment, then 60 bucks every six months. Peanuts. No, you can't beat the price. You are able to sit in on a few minutes free, without pressure to join.

Of course, I came to Toastmasters a month ago for that: the public speaking training. But the experience has been much more. In my late 70s, I left what has been my comfort zone for the last 40 years.

Let me put it this way: The entire context of the program and the unique people provides a sturdy supportive platform for self-confidence and social skills. The "force field" is caring. The results are visible as we bear witness to the growth of others as well as ourselves.

The usual agenda for the meeting on Tuesdays, 6:30 PM to 8 PM. goes this way:

Welcome. Pledge to the flag, Inspirational Messaging.

Table Topics

Two five-to-10 minute Talks

Formal Voting for the Best and Formal (gentle)Evaluations

Nitpicking by the Grammarian.

There is a corporate-like emphasis on closing the meeting on-time. So, yes, we are out of there to go on with the rest of our evening.

For more information, you can go to the Cochise Toastmasters Club website or contact the Secretary Toni Leiboff, 520-255-1334,

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am an intuitive coach, tarot reader and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email


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