Man The Political Animal: Dems Rapidly Retrofit Campaign 2024

"Paul Weiss attorney Karen Dunn has been brought in to assist Vice President Kamala Harris with debate preparation." -  Bloomberg Law, July 23, 2024

Dunn's parachuting in is nothing new in her political outreach. Back in 2020, she also prepped Harris in the debate with Mike Pence. Dunn's "other identity" had been as a prominent tech lawyer at Boise Schiller and then at Paul, Weiss. When the latter poached her it was a high-profile news story. Over the years she broadened her practice from tech. 

Obviously the Democratic Party has adopted urgency in retrofitting the campaign with everything from a new leader to new optics. In addition, Paul, Weiss, which had been deeply networked with the Biden Admistration, has shifted efficiently to the emerging order of things. It is important for a prominent Wall Street law firm, given all the regulation and legislation involved, to have access inside the beltway.

Interestingly, Paul, Weiss' chair Brad Karp toyed in college with the career path of becoming a Congressman. Instead he opted to enter the family business - practicing law - and attended Harvard Law School. However, an aspect of his interface with the world has always been political savvy. That include the ability to rapidly size up situations and make strategic decisions about the Next.

Watchers - everyone is watched - will be looking for ongoing signs of Paul, Weiss' involvement in the campaign. Already there has been financial support as reported on Reddit Big Law:

" Among those [in professional services] expected to aid Harris’ bid for the nomination are Centerview’s Blair Effron, Blackstone’s Jonathan Gray, Lazard’s Peter Orszag and Ray McGuire, Paul Weiss’ Brad Karp, and Evercore’s Roger Altman. “

Overall, for progressives who had been in despair, the mood is turning hopeful.

In my coaching, I hammer that man is a political animal: Never underestimate the influence of the political in all spheres of life and more specifically work.

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