Conservative Rhetoric - Donald Trump Inserts a Filter

 There is a bit of buzz about Donald Trump's lack of aggressive response to the public unmasking of Joe Biden's cognitive decline. That clears the establishment and social media stages to focus on how such a development has generated turmoil in Democratic Party networks. The pummeling of Biden and the condemnation of his reelection-campaign determination is being left to the Democrats. 

Such a laying low strategy is atypical for Trump who historically has been without a filter. That's the genius in this approach. So, here we have this kind of comment on a YouTube site saluting this move:


"When your enemy is digging his own grave why help? Trump doesnt have to do anything."

Meanwhile Biden has managed to position and package himself as a power-consumed player who is ignoring the greater good. Already his legacy is tarnished. In general, the Democratic Party comes across as not able to lead within its ranks. So, the question arises: How can it lead on national issues in the White House, the US House and the US Senate.

As a conservative sweep in Election 2024 seems more likely those needing access inside-the-beltway might have to start to hedge if their signature has been progressive. For example, progressive large law firms such as Quinn Emanuel and Paul, Weiss have primarily contributed funds to the Democratic Party. And, what about all those progressive causes? Will those advocacy organizations find it useful to reframe their messaging?

In my coaching, I observe professionals tweaking their personal brands and the content of casual conversations to align with rapidly changing times in politics, as well as the economy.

Inevitably society has been critically inspecting others in power for signs of decline, associated with aging. John F. Kennedy had the luxury of dying while still encased in the image of the voice of a new generation. Ronald Reagan exited public life before his own cognitive-decline catastrophe became obvious. For those in the Silent and Boomer Generations struggling to hang in the current Biden saga could provide a needed Ah-Ha Moment. 

In business and life you usually have only one shot at whatever. Up the odds of success with Jane Genova. I am an intuitive coach, tarot reader and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text/phone 203-468-8579 or email


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