Profile in Courage: The 2024 Election Year Version

 "Silent Democrats Will be Complicit in Biden's Election Defeat"- Kevin McCauley, Editor-in-Chief, O'Dwyer's Public Relations, May 28, 2024. Here is McCauley's entire thougtht piece, which echoes what is finally surfacing on influential platforms like Politico. 

The meme is this: Joe Biden must be nudged (or, yes, kicked) off the ticket. However, Man/Woman The Political Animal knows the possible punishment for taking that step or even being identified as putting it in motion. Loyalty continues to exist in politics and there are Biden loyalists.

The penalty risk might be significantly less than the risk of a Biden loss and progressives being locked out of the Beltway for at least four years. Democracy may require decades to restart in the major instititutions. 

The player or players who begin the ousting dynamic could go down in American history as an authenic hero. The situation is that serious.

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email


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