Book Publishing: Seems Joe/Jill Biden Got Bad Financial Advice

 As we all know - and as a long-term politico Joe Biden should have had that down cold - public service doesn't pay well. Therefore there is the necessary chase after building wealth on the side. 

Book publishing was never the ideal path for that. In the past, even the most successful published authors didn't become financially secure through royalties. To make "real" money they had to go out there and acquire the kind of branding that merited high fees on the speaking/workshop circuit. Of course, a US President who is in office doesn't have the time for that.

Currently the book industry is in decline. We are a visual culture. Book authors who do make money are those who are smart enough to hire a skilled promotion team. But even that amount in itself doesn't represent big bucks. They have to supplement the proceeds with lots of singing for their supper doing exclusive speaking engagements and how-tos.

No surprise, President Biden's two books didn't earn royalties. They are "Promises to Keep" and "Promise Me, Dad."

In addition First Lady Jill Biden didn't fare well in the book publishing niche. Her "Where the Light Enters" didn't make money. However, her two children's books did generate 1,000 bucks in royalties. Yeah, peanuts.

All this earnings disappointment helps leave Joe and Jill Biden in debt. If President Biden is not reelected he leaves the White House with debt up to $815k. Here are more details from Daily Mail.

In my coaching, I warn clients intent on building wealth and brandnames that publishing books doesn't represent a promising investment. Instead, consider researching becoming an influencer. I had done that for eight years. Yes, it's demanding work but, if you have a knack for it, you can achieve financial security. That frees you up to have choice in how you want to earn your livelihood. 

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email


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