Talking Your Way to Becoming Irrelevant

 In The Wall Street Journal, retired professionals Karen and Stephen Yoder lament that they have become "invisible." 

Not all over-60 have mutated into a fade-out, though. I coach them and they are being acknowledged in all aspects of life as very there - and as relevant. 

Here are some of the things that they are doing that the Yoders might not be:

Kept in touch with the world of work. They may operate micro businesses. They may do gig or part-time assignments. They could even be employed for income from their labor in full-time positions. As the future of work keeps mutating they are in the thick of it, with lots to say about how things are and how to cope. Coping has replaced ranting. It's tough to get, hold and more on to better work.

Maintained presence. No, you don't want to come across as too relaxed. Although New Yorkers had relocated to the Midwest to reduce expenses they kept up the aura of nervous energy. Poise is different from coming across as being without purpose.

Never allude to how things were. No one cares that at one time institutions ranging from Time Magazine to church-on-Sunday were sacred. It's boring, not fascinating, to hear about being a ghostwriter before the advent of the PC. No, using a form or white-out isn't of any interest.

Stay well-connected in networks. The Gen Zer mowing the lawn needs a referral for a real job at a AI startup. You know someone. You are golden. To maintain those networks, as has always been the situation, you have to have something to trade. You can't just keep in touch. The issue is: What can you bring that is of value to the other members? Maybe you have a hundred thousand followers on YouTube. It could be consulting assignments for an employment law firm which keep you up-to-date on how to deal with an alleged abusive employer.

Keep health issues under wraps. The whole subject ages you. Age continues to be a negative in America.

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email


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