Now This: Will Kate Middleton Need a Lawyer?

 KateGate buzz has mutated into speculation if Kate Middleton will be searching for a lawyer. Among the reasons she, it is posited, might need one or more include:

Medical Malpractice (like, how sick is she)

Divorce (has hubby following in dad's footsteps been naughty)

Defamation (let us count the ways)

Criminal (did someone or something do harm to the princess)

So, one is wondering if the many prominent law firms in London are bellying up to the task of making discrete pitches or trying to bash in with slide decks. 

They range from homegrown such as the Magic Circle members like Clifford Chance and Linklaters to the imported such as US-based firms  Kirkland & Ellis, Latham and Paul, Weiss. The latter sucked in nice media attention when it represented Melinda Gates in the part of her divorce from Bill Gates dealing with what funds go to the children. 

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