New Generations at the "Firm" Blowing Public Relations - Digital Manipulation

Even those not trained in photography found the family photo of Kate and the Kids off. The excessive smiling by the three offspring was, in itself, a red flag. That's how POWs are posed by their captors for international consumption. Pile on that Mum's big smile. 

Then, the pros came out with a detailed analysis how the photo had been edited - and ham-handedly. Kate took responsibility. But Firm watchers even wonder about that. Who or what was really behind the digital manipulations and what was the agenda?

The timing couldn't be worst for the era of post-Queen Elizabeth. The new king is not only old. He's sick and he won't tell us the details. The spouse of the next in line for that job is also sick and she's essentially MIA and also won't provide details. Conspiracy theories about Kate include an alleged eating disorder (and we are stuck in  the possibility that William did indeed "marry his mother" who had an eating disorder.)  The ghost of Diana continues to hover, distracting from taking seriously the new order. 

Unless the Firm improves its public relations it is on short time. Members of the monarchy seem to feel no accountability, as do US leaders, for transparency. Meanwhile that rascal Andrew is worming his way back into a public presence in the Firm. Vulgar Fergie also has become all too visible. 

In contrast to the collapsing royals, parts of the business sector of the UK are doing jolly fine. For instance, the law-firm sector in London is expanding. The major US-based firms, over there and vying to "own" that London territory, include Kirkland & Ellis, Latham and Paul, Weiss. Coverage about what they are up to could further pull away attention away from the royals. Soon enough, the latter will be a cartoonish side show, then gone. 

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email


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