High Energy, as in the State of the Union - The Must Style for Leadership, Getting/Holding onto Work/Comebacks

Finally Joe Biden is hitting his stride in Campaign 2024. That's through his State of the Union which is being described as "high energy." Such a style has evolved into the kind of leadership we are grabbing onto during these crazy times. In itself it can neutralize concerns about age in politics. You bet we need to bear witness to the passion of a "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."

That bleeds into career matters, such as a job search or making a presentation with a slide deck. The current era has become all about productivity (the increase of which, goes the thinking, accounts for the surge of the Dow) which is symbolized by, you got it, high-energy teams. 

Actually that isn't new. 

If you wanted to make it in the prestigious lucrative sector of professional services you needed plenty of stamina. Don't try that out that line of work without it. Demanded are 14-hour days, usually six or seven days a week. Add on travel, too, including how you use your Sunday. 

From the get-go, the signature of the chair of Paul, Weiss law firm Brad Karp has been the need for very little sleep. BTW, currently in his re-up in that leadership role his style is downright electric. 

Newbies to Wall Street knew to rise at 4 AM to get a feel for what was going on in the global economy. By time the action started in the US they had already designed fresh models to seize the opportunity in what was developing. 

In public relations, the late Jack O'Dwyer had been downright kinetic well into his mid 80s. He preached that retirement was a scam created by the financial-planning industry. 

Laid back? That never really was effective branding with the exception of some stars who could get away with that kind of persona. Usually, though, it was mere posing. Their hustle was under cover. 

Incidentally, the aspect of the wellness push which probably won't get very far is the mandate for eight hours or more of shut-eye. Last weekend I was awarded a bonus for rush work aka pulling an all-nighter on video scripting. 

Note that those who/which have put together comebacks such as Megyn Kelly and The New York Times keep raising the vibrations on what they're about. For those who aren't there yet such as Andrew Cuomo and Leon Black, I would recommend: Step up the energy level. 

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email janegenova374@gmail.com) 


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