No Safe Employment Harbor in Media - Even Legal Publication with Profitable Parent Conducts Layoff (you are not special)

The old thinking used to be: Sure the industry is collapsing but there are safe niches. That's where the marketable would land on their feet, not needing a career change.

In media, which is shedding newsroom talent like dogs their coat in spring, there are fewer of those non-vulnerable sites. In legal reporting/editing, which requires specialized knowledge, it has happened. 1) There has been a 10% Reduction In Force in the newsroom. That's Law360. 2) The parent of Law360 LexisNexis is very profitable. That subscription publication is for many in the legal sector a must-read. 

So here we are. The Ah-Ha moment for those still employed in media or who plan a career in media is that there may be no safe harbors to smoothly sail into, settling in and tending to the craft of journalism.

In my intuitive career coaching I am encountering more and more knowledge workers who have less and less work. Most of them are already freelancers, that is working on contract. Puzzling, though, not many are considering a career change. It is as if they have the illusion that they are "special." The ax won't fall on them. And they assume they will continue to have access to work. On professional networks such as LinkedIn they maintain a successful front. 

Admittedly, though, most forms are career change are tough, as I explain here in an article published in O'Dwyer's Public Relations. No, it's not an adventure. You probably lose your professional identity, marketability of your knowledge base/experience, network, confidence and level of income. Age can make that even more of an ordeal.

However, carving out a new path might be the only way to continue to earn income from labor. In the interim there are survival jobs and gigs. Usually grabbing one or more is a must-do to be able to pay the bills. Meanwhile there is an exploration of a more solid way to make a good living. 

In my coaching the most successful of those in transition have reinvented themselves for the trades, personal care, government and self-employment in multiple micro enterprises. Not one client could "afford" to retire. That is less and less financially possible.

2024. You can transform the craziness of this time into unique opportunity. Jane Genova provides you with intuitive career coaching, Tarot readings and related communications. Complimentary confidential consultation. (For appointment text/phone 203-468-8579 or email

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