The Harvard Brand - Was the Mystique Mostly Myth?

  "Harvard Teaching Hospital Seeks Retraction of Six Papers by Top Researchers - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is reviewing more than 50 papers, including work of the hospital’s CEO [Laurie Glimcher]" - The Wall Street Journal, January 22, 2024

In addition to the retractions, 31 other papers are being corrected. More are being looked over. In the loop for being responsible for these research problems are senior cancer researchers and administrators. As yet, misconduct has not been charged.

Of course, the timing couldn't be worse for confidence in the Harvard brand. And, what a blockbuster brand it has been. So recent is the stepping down of the president Claudine Gay because of alleged plagiarism. Earlier at Harvard Business School, professor Francesca Gino was put on administrative leave because of allegations that she fudged data.

Part of this review at Dana-Farber had been triggered outsider biologist Sholto David. He noticed image manipulation in some of the studies.

So, do we trust internal players to investigate this? So far Harvard has not come across as much the truth-seeker as we expect. 

You bet, third parties such as Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman, Apollo’s Marc Rowan and Congress might consider getting into the act. In addition, since 2016, when Fox called in law firm Paul, Weiss to conduct an investigation of alleged sexual misconduct, the default has become to parachute a solid-brandname law firm to use legal procedures and tools to do a comprehensive probe. Anything different or less is not assessed as credible.

There are those, such as myself, who invested blood, sweat and tears to prepare ourselves to be admitted to some branch of Harvard. I did accomplish that. Now, I feel foolish. Was I, usually a smart street kid, taken in by the mystique?

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email


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