Epstein Everything - Davos Man Can't Stand Up to That

The World Economic Forum meets in Davos January 15th - 19 this year. It's been a while since that event dominated world news before, during and after. 

In 2024, the goings-on might be even of less interest and relevance to global affairs. And, who cares any more who could afford to be a member of the WEF and attend. Billionaires are a dime a dozen. No, attendees, don't struggle to squeeze into a photo-op. 

In short, Davos Man is over. Instead of close media analysis of what will be covered next week - the theme is Restoring Trust - the digital front pages are obsessed with the deepening fallout from the Jeffrey Epstein doc drops. "Three Ways" demand as much attention as had what Bill Clinton didn't define as sex decades ago.

That media focus could be sustained while the supposed global influencers trudge through the snow in Davos. The Epstein-related story lines are too juicy not to exploit. Among them is what is Clinton up to jaw-jawing with Gavin Newsom in Mexico? Are they cooking up a coup to topple Joe Biden as the Democratic Party nominee for US President? 

In addition, we are preoccupied with the question: How come some players like Clinton pull off remaining a mover and shaker, despite the Epstein connection, and others such as Apollo co-founder Leon Black are unable to make progress in reputation restoration?  Should Black have created a campaign to be likable as is the Clinton signature? The ghost of Epstein haunts unequally. 

Of course, there are plenty of other developments which distract from Davos anything. They range from global equities to the future of work. 

In my intuitive coaching I warn clients that if they opt for the attention game they will have to be alert about what spheres of influence are going poof or even becoming open to derision.  

Complimentary confidential intuitive coaching session. No pressure. Maybe even some lightness of being. Please contact Jane Genova for an appointment (text/phone 203-468-8579 or email at janegenova374@gmail.com)


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