The French Revolution - Is America on the Verge of One of Those?

 "Anyone here feel French Revolution vibes ..." - Posted on Fishbowl ConsultingDecember 2023.

The popular film "Napoleon" reminds us how the euphoric, then ugly mood of the French Revolution unfolded in that nation and toppled the monarchy, that is, traditional authority. 

What drove that unraveling included this: The majority of residents were not getting what they felt they needed, including food. Yeah, let them eat cake.

The responses to the Fishbowl Consulting post note the disappearance of the middle class in America. What keeps people under control is usually their hope for a better life. In America the dream has died. 

And, obviously, things are not under the usual control. Power, for example, is shifting to financial players who have a lot to say about elite institutions of higher education. Already axed - pun intended - has been the President of the University of Pennsylvania Liz Magill. Soon enough on the chopping block could be the President of Harvard Claudine Gay. 

Employees or those with a job offer are purged from law firms if they mouth the wrong political opinions. Will they come together and rise up against law and order? Already there is overall chatter about unionizing. 

Old-line career paths such as consulting are vanishing. The lifestyles they supported are crumbling. Why conform?

With diversity initiatives out of fashion, it doesn't make political or economic sense to wait for the system to open slots. Grab, instead.

Meanwhile violent forms of shoplifting are taking over retail.

I was at another revolution - the late 1960s Counterculture. The current vibe seems a lot like that. Power to the People. This time around the People could be represented by a broad array of humanity. 

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email 


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