The Fading Chris Christie - In Era of Coffee Chats, No One Needed Expert Reporting/Polling

"Chris Christie was always a longshot. Now he might not even make the next debate. The former New Jersey governor has not met the Republican National Committee’s polling thresholds for qualifying for next week’s debate ..."  Politico, December 2023.

But I already got drift of his swift decline in a comeback attempt mid last month.

 That was in the coffee shop Ruff Life in resort town Geneva on the Lake in the midwest - far from national politics. Although the season was over, because of its unique branding - cafe allowing pets + boutique for dogs/cats - business remained brisk. Those at a table near me pontificated: Christie was over. They chatted up a brief summary of his mistakes. 

Only now the media and polls seem to be confirming that. For me a coach who reinforces how fragile employment is in Knowledge Work be it journalism or polling. How the world turns, including predictions on that, has slid into the jaw-jawing by non-experts. And that resonates. 

As a public affairs gimmick an agency representing a political figure should host the RV tour of coffee shops throughout America. The Coffee Chat has become the universal platform for meaningful conversations. In my coaching, I recommend job searchers and those seeking to broaden their networks request a Coffee Chat.

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email 


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