Royals - End of the Mystique, End of Them

 The new joke could be The Royals will go kaput because we are plum tired of them. Also, as with the Roman Catholic Church, the mystique is gone. 

How we got there has been through the endless featuring of them as both entertainment and as material for analysis by book authors and the media.

Netflix gave us six seasons of "The Crown." The buzz is that there won't be a seventh season but, of course, there could be. More pomp and circumstance.

Omid Scobie is the latest to deliver a book digging into all the emotional and political fissures. 

Every few hours tabloids like Daily Mail provide an update.

All this is bound to keep up and eventually there will be no demand for anything Royal, including those aristocrats themselves. Like the rest of us, they will have to live off their investments and income from real jobs and gigs. William might ask Harry how to make a go of that.

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email


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