When Industry Is a Known "Sweatshop," The Term Provides No New Data or Insight

"Are Kirkland regulatory specialist teams also sweatshops?" - That has been posted on Fishbowl Big Law, October 2023 

Using the term "sweatshop" will not automatically trigger fresh information or perspective. Not in Big Law, which is known for extreme overwork with impossible deadlines and no excuses.

To dig for insight, frame the question more specifically, as in: What is the hours requirement in regulatory at Kirkland and how many flee before two years?

Actually, on professional anonymous networks the term "sweatshop" is being used less. Those conditions are assumed and given the sustained slowdown in much of the industry there is less balking about that reality. 

Overall, as Law.com reports, earnings are not expected to be great for 2023. There are exceptions, of course.  Kirkland, along with Paul Weiss, seem to be on fire. There are many who will ignore the possibility of sweatshop conditions in order to grab a job at firms which are confident enough to keep hiring. Currently the junior lateral market is stuck. 

Data or the gut for your careers and communications? Both of course. Complimentary consultation with intuitive coach, content-creator, and Tarot reader Jane Genova (text 203-468-8579, janegenova374@gmail.com).


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