"They" Are Being a Pain in the A_s: Odds Are You Are Being Forced Out

" ... She [Fox's Suzanne Scott] could be a pain in the a_s. It was obstruction and delay ... she was able to create a lot of misdirection ..." Excerpt from The Fall by Michael Wolff, page 255.

The chapter focuses on how Fox star Sean Hannity had begun to become a liability to the cable network. It was time for him to go. 

The pain in the a_s tactics Scott leveraged are common in organizations to motivate employees to resign. That saves the business bad press, severance and unemployment. 

It takes many forms. They include:


Compulsive questioning

Overcorrection (e.g. over-editing documents)

Slow responses

No responses.

If this is happening to you it could signal you are not a good fit with the culture, have made too many mistakes, are no longer needed, and/or got on the wrong side of power players. Rarely can you reverse the dynamic. Hannity was fired. So, consider starting a job search.

 In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email janegenova374@gmail.com)


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