Does Paul, Weiss Want to Be Perceived as "New Kirkland & Ellis?"

 In 2023 we frame our conversations in terms of models. How smart we sound.

So as the world observes law firm Paul, Weiss evolving quickly the issue is framed like this: What law firm will it look like when the changes harden into the 2024 or 2025 Paul, Weiss normal? (And, will it drop the comma which still remains a platform for deriding the firm?) Some, as in this post on Fishbowl Big Law, speculate the model will be some version of Kirkland & Ellis. 

But this responder disagrees:

"P,W would much rather align with its 'old money' white shoe peers then some scrappy Chicago firm"

My hunch? Paul, Weiss essentially is a nerdy bunch. So it would make it its mission to preserve the image of being a cognitive heavyweight with a pedigree background. However, it would be aggressive in showcasing 1) Client list of major brandname organizations 2) Dismissals, wins, lucrative settlements, new practices such as AI 3) Internal innovations like (as has been rumored) instituting a Non-Equity Partner tier. No chance at self-promotion will be missed. 

Meanwhile, K&E could attempt to smooth out the rough edges. Professional anonymous networks still target it for brutal criticism associated with how it allegedly treats both associates and Non-Equity Partners (yes, it already has one of the latter). Also in coaching some K&E alumni I got an earful. 

Any tips about P,W? K&E? Confidentiality guaranteed. Text 203-468-8579. 

In most cases you have only one shot in communications. Jane Genova is a communications coach and content-creator. Complimentary consultation (please text 203-468-8579 or email


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