2024 Campaigning - Progressives Should Steer Clear of Using "ESG" Word, ChatGPT Comes Up with Some Cool Language

"A growing number of anti-Trump Republicans are giving up — and giving into the belief that nothing will stop him [Donald Trump] from winning the GOP's presidential nomination." Axios, October 6, 2023

With his usual weaponized rhetoric, Donald Trump already has labeled the liberalism represented by ESG (Environmental Social Governance) initiatives as "garbage." And if he really does become the GOP presidential nominee attacking that concept could be low-hanging fruit for him. The guy likes those easy grabs. And he's good at giving them broad reach.

Meanwhile, the conservative push against ESG is gaining traction. Most recently, as Reuters Legal reports, there is a lawsuit against the U.S. Naval Academy about affirmative action. This follows similar litigation against the U.S. Military Academy. The plaintiff is Students for Fair Admission which won the SCOTUS ruling last June against race-conscious admissions in higher education.

Words are political power tools. The legacy of US Presidents is embedded with those. For John F. Kennedy the language was about passing the torch to a new generation, for Ronald Reagan it was about morning in America and for Barack Obama it was about the audacity of hope.

Obviously, conservatives in 2024 on all levels - national, state and local - will be tossing around the terminology associated with ESG like grenades. Democrats don't have to duck. They can go on the offense. That is if they replace that linguistic force field with fresh terminology for progressive thought. So much of it is stuck in Woke. 

Help with that can come from a verbally skilled deep pocket: large law firms which heavily fund the Democratic Party. According to Blue Tent, the top five contributors are:

Paul Weiss

Kirkland & Ellis

Akin Gump



Incidentally, can ChatGPT assist with new language? Try it. 

I did just that. Here's what popped up from the prompt: Come up with cool new language of ESG concepts for a political campaign:

Using a language that resonates with voters and effectively communicates ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) concepts in a political campaign is crucial for success. Here are some ideas for a cool and engaging language to use in such a campaign:

  1. Sustainability Speak: Frame your campaign in terms of sustainability. Talk about "sustainable solutions" and "sustainable progress." Use phrases like "building a sustainable future" or "safeguarding our planet for generations to come."

  2. Responsibility Rhetoric: Emphasize corporate and government responsibility. Say you're "holding corporations accountable" or "demanding government transparency and responsibility." Encourage voters to support "responsible leadership."

  3. People-Planet-Profit Language: Highlight the triple bottom line of ESG - people, planet, and profit. Talk about "balancing the triple bottom line" and "prioritizing people and the planet while fostering economic growth."

  4. Community Compassion: Stress the importance of community and social cohesion. Discuss "strengthening our communities" and "fostering empathy and unity." Use phrases like "a community-driven agenda."

  5. Innovation and Investment: Present ESG as an opportunity for innovation and investment. Talk about "investing in a sustainable future" and "promoting green innovation." Mention "green jobs" and "sustainable economic growth."

  6. Equality and Equity: Address issues of social justice and equity. Talk about "bridging the wealth gap" and "ensuring equal opportunities for all." Use phrases like "a fair and just society."

  7. Climate Consciousness: Make climate change a focal point. Talk about "climate action" and "carbon neutrality." Mention "green technologies" and "climate resilience."

  8. Transparency and Trust: Emphasize the importance of transparency in government and corporate practices. Use phrases like "open and accountable leadership" and "building trust through transparency."

  9. Empowerment Expressions: Encourage citizens to take an active role. Talk about "empowering individuals to make sustainable choices" and "citizen-driven change." Mention "grassroots movements."

  10. Future-Focused Phrases: Position your campaign as forward-thinking. Talk about "shaping a sustainable future" and "leading the way towards a better tomorrow." Use phrases like "future-proofing our communities."

  11. Green Growth: Highlight the economic benefits of ESG. Discuss "green growth strategies" and "sustainable economic prosperity."

  12. Global Collaboration: Stress the need for international cooperation on ESG issues. Talk about "working together on a global scale" and "diplomacy for a sustainable world."

  13. Health and Well-being: Connect ESG concepts to personal health and well-being. Discuss "a healthier, happier society through sustainable practices" and "improving the quality of life."

I help with all your communications. That ranges from coaching to strategy and research to writing and editing. Complimentary consultation. Please contact Jane Genova at 203-468-8579 (texting and phone) and janegenova374@gmail.com.


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